a. Website
The Club’s website contains all Club related information and Members have access to this information through their personal account on the website.
The Club’s Facebook page is:
The Club’s Twitter (@LCSCOrcas) page is:
b. Email
All Club communications will be delivered through email. Please ensure your email address is correct and current in your account or you will not be able to receive Team notices ie. Calendar updates, practice changes/cancellations, event notices, fundraising information etc. It is the Club Members responsibility to keep this information up to date.
All concerns or questions can be directed to or in reply to any Team communication sent via email.
c. LCSC Front Desk Envelope at FJCC
The Club has a communication envelope at the reception desk of Frank Jameson Community Centre swimming pool. This is used for correspondence between members of the Club. When needed ask the receptionist to put your correspondence into or retrieve your information from the Swim Club Parent Envelope. Please note that NO CASH is to be put into these envelopes – this is against FJCC’s policies, is not secure and could jeopardize our privilege of having this envelope system available for all Club members.
d. LCSC Public Notice Board at FJCC
The Club has a communications board at FJCC that is located between the main lobby and the family change room. Various LCSC information and news will be posted to this board. This notice board does not serve as the main communication source for LCSC. Please first refer to our website for any information.
e. Board of Directors Meetings
Board of Directors executive meetings take place once a month and meeting dates and agendas will be posted on the Public Notice Board. If you wish to schedule a 15 minute counsel with the Board of Directors at one of these meetings please contact the Board at least 2 weeks in advance of a scheduled Board meeting via email or in writing.
f. General Inquiries
General questions can be directed to any executive member at any time or emailed to .
g. Concerns or Complaints
All concerns or complaints related to coaching/swimming should be directed to the Head Coach. Please email the Head Coach at to arrange a time to discuss any concerns/complaints/questions.
All other concerns or complaints can be directed in writing to Please do not direct any concerns to individual Board members, parents, swimmers, or to coaches while they are on the deck or providing direction to swimmers. In all instances if the concern cannot be resolved in a calm and civil manner, a Parent Liaison may be appointed to facilitate communications between both parties.