Other Information

a. Personal Information Consent

LCSC respects your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information.  We are committed to keeping confidential the personal information you share with us.  Use of such information will only be the purpose for which it was collected.  

Personal information is any information that identifies you as an individual.  This information includes your name, address, email address, age, gender, transaction records, health, and credit card/banking information.

We request personal information in order to establish and benefit you as a participant.  We ask for information based on our responsibilities toward both you and our governing bodies.  For example, Swim BC requires information such as your name, date of birth, gender, address, telephone number, preferred language, citizenship, dates of participation and competition level in order to complete your registration and insurance.

LCSC obtains personal information through registration forms and waivers.  We do not sell personal information.  Personal information is only released under the following circumstances:

  • When you give consent
  • When required or permitted by law

LCSC makes every reasonable effort to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date.  Having accurate information about you enables us to give you the best possible experience within our club.  If you find errors in the information held or have any changes please let us know as soon as possible and we will make the corrections.

b. Change Room Policy

The change rooms at the Frank Jamieson Community Centre are for all customers of the facility - not just for the Ladysmith-Chemainus Swim Club. The LCSC expects that the swimmers’ behavior reflects the club's Code of Conduct and demonstrates respect for the Town’s facility, staff, fellow swimmers and community members.

Swimmers are provided the opportunity to enter the change rooms prior to practice to prepare for each session and after each practice to get a quick shower and changed. Swimmers are then expected to make their way out to the lobby for pickup by parents. Change rooms should be cleared of all personal belongings and left in a clean and tidy manner. 

c. Bullying

Bullying is defined as the repeated hurtful interpersonal mistreatment of a person, the act intentionally hurting someone in order to insult, humiliate, degrade or exclude. LCSC is committed to providing a safe, caring and friendly environment for all of our members. Bullying is counterproductive to our team spirit and can be devastating to a victim. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Bullying is not … 

Bullying is … 

Conflict between friends 

Hurting behaviors based on oppression and “meanness” 

An argument between people of equal power 

Based on power deferential 


Intentionally harmful 

Normal relational development challenges 

Intense and long in duration 

A “one-time” event (usually) 

Repeated over time (generally) 

Friendly teasing that all parties are enjoying 

Oppressive – isolates victims 

Something people grow out of 

Caused by many factors and behavioral challenges 

Hurtful actions include, but are not limited to:

  • Verbal – name-calling, humiliating, degrading behavior, hurtful teasing, threatening someone (this may happen in notes or in person, over the phone, through text messages or a chat room). 
  • Relational – making others look foolish, excluding peers, spreading gossip or rumors (this may happen in person, over the phone, or through the computer). 
  • Reactive – engage in bullying as well as provoke bullies to attack by taunting them. 
  • Physical – hitting, kicking, grabbing, shoving, spitting on, beating others up, and damaging or stealing another person’s property. 

The following sudden behavior changes can be a sign that an individual is being bullied: suddenly becoming aggressive, quitting the team or being reluctant to return to the sport activity, sleep disorders, emotional disorders, sliding grades at school, changes in appetite, fear of washrooms, locker rooms, or closed doors, running away.

d. Award Standards

At the end of the season, the club recognizes the efforts of different members of the Club for their efforts throughout the season. Some awards are perpetual trophy awards and stored in the trophy cabinet at FJCC and recipients are presented with a keeper plaque.  Awards and ceremony will change season to season.  

e. Websites

SWIMBC - our provincial regulating body https://swimbc.ca/

Swimming Canada – our national regulating body https://swimming.ca/en/


The LCSC Board of Directors reserves the right to add to or make any changes to these policies and procedures or any other LCSC document within so long as the document aligns with the current Club Bylaws.